Wall of Openroom Love 🍀
We update our wall once a month with all of the best we've seen in the wild and what's sent straight to us. We love you all so much and thank you for your support of the work we do for a future of transparency in the rental ecosystem.
Darwin B

Thank you for another save from non-paying tenant posted in OpenRoom. Hope you enjoy this Amazon gift card!

July 16, 2024
Forge Hamu
Guardian Property Management

Good morning

The work you are doing is invaluable to most landlords and property managers alike.  If the word of your group could really get out to everyone, meaning not just landlords but tenants as well.  This tool could act as both a deterrent as well as an incentive to both Landlords and Tenants.  Of course I am not sure how this would work.

It’s difficult to get my head around how this might work however, the tool could act as a double edged sword for both Landlords and Tenants and as an incentive to both.

Anyhow, keep developing, this has become a goto tool for us and the more landlords we get joining, the better the tool will become.

Thank you.

July 15, 2024
Community Member

Make this website a go too tool for TRREB, if you can work with TRREB to make openroom accessible to all realtors as part of their membership benefits, it will be a great resource for Landlords.

July 1, 2024
Community Member

Keep up the good work representing the small guys!! Love it.

June 30, 2024
Community Member
Building Product community 💡

Thanks for being an advocate for equity, fairness and justice.

June 30, 2024
Community Member

I liked reading about the Sewards’ story. Especially for help with identifying and locating the tenants/offenders. [RE: Landlord Story: drugs, non-payment of rent, and on the brink defaulting of on mortgage]

June 30, 2024
Community Member

I’m a small landlord and a quick read of your newsletter I could see you are looking at the “human” side for all involved-landlord and tenants. Life is not one or the other. It’s both. 😁😍😁

June 30, 2024
Community Member

I find the newsletter very insightful, I have learned about my co worker tenants not wanted to pay over 9 months. She feels because she is a single mother with kids and no job  the tribunal will delay it. I was shocked , but let her know about your page. She started the process of eviction.

June 30, 2024
Community Member

Very informative.   I appreciate what you do for us small LL.

June 30, 2024
Community Member

Thank you all

June 30, 2024

Hi Weiting

This is amazing and I heard about this by fluke.  

June 19, 2024
Community Member


June 13, 2024
Community Member

Keep up the great work to build this movement!

June 6, 2024
Community Member

You are amazing. My husband and I only have one small rental house and your database and newsletter have been incredibly helpful. Thank you!!

June 6, 2024
Community Member

Keep doing what your doing

June 5, 2024
Community Member

Great app thanks for doing

June 5, 2024
Community Member

Great newsletter!!

June 5, 2024
Community Member

First time received it. Thanks for putting this together

June 5, 2024
Community Member

Great job!  Thanks for all your hard work!

June 5, 2024
Community Member

Like the events that are happening.

June 5, 2024

The team is doing a great job. Keep it up! Enjoy the coffee !

May 23, 2024
Bought Us Coffee
Community Member

The News Letter is perfect, the government of Ontario does not care and I wish all Landlords could pull their properties off the market, and hit the government where it hurts. Leave more people looking for homes to rent, with no place to rent. That would certainly get the government's attention.

May 8, 2024
Community Member

Appreciate your efforts to advocate on behalf of Ontario landlords!!

May 8, 2024
Community Member

Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge with us, you make a huge difference!

May 8, 2024
Community Member

This is the first newsletter I get to read and I’ll be happy to keep reading new editions in the future.

May 8, 2024
Community Member

Thank you for doing this and all your work creating the website. You're awesome!

May 7, 2024
Community Member

love yourplat form (Openroom Comment: we think they meant to say "platform")

May 7, 2024
Community Member

Hi, thank you for what you are doing!

May 7, 2024
Community Member

Loved it!

May 7, 2024
Community Member

Loved your newsletter and always use the openroom.  I have never found a potentially tenant on it but it is such an important resource.  I have posted my bad tenants on openroom.  Thank you so much for setting it up for us.

May 7, 2024
Community Member

You're doing a great job!  Thanks so much!!

May 7, 2024
Community Member

Outstanding top notch

May 7, 2024
Community Member

Keep up the great work you do. Thank you

April 19, 2024
Community Member

Thank you for your work.....

April 19, 2024
Community Member

You are rocking it! Thank you

April 19, 2024
Community Member

keep on with your primary goals

April 19, 2024
Community Member

This is a constant reminder to scamming tenants. If their name is on open room and a landlord checks it,  renting with them will not be possible.

April 19, 2024
Community Member

Excellent work Weiting! Thank you 🙏

April 19, 2024
Community Member

You are doing a great job! Someone found my bad tenant through openroom and found me on Facebook to thank me for posting there!

April 19, 2024
Community Member

Great work! Sorry, i am moving or would have participated in the offer to assist w/ the site. Take good care & keep up this need work! �

April 19, 2024
Community Member

well Elaborate information . Thank you for sharing it

March 21, 2024
Community Member

I think the news letter was great - well rounded and representing different perspectives. I think removing the tenant names from the search in the instances stated is a good idea. Would like to see more states and data if possible in the future.

March 18, 2024
Community Member

Thank you. I am just wondering how to promote the OPENROOM.CA to every people as possible. If success, we will have a ecosystem that any bad behavior will have the consequences...

March 18, 2024
Community Member

Not sure, it is just darn great. Will think on it.

March 17, 2024
Community Member

Nothing yet, looks awesome Weiting!

March 17, 2024
Community Member

Thank you for your efforts to advocate on behalf of Ontario landlords, unfortunately necessary because of dysfunctional and broken LTB system

March 17, 2024
Community Member

Great newsletter, and I really appreciate Openroom as a channel for transparency. Thank you for all that you are doing!  I believe in transparency and its importance in a democratic society. I'm not sure I agree that tenant names should be hidden, although I understand the need to appeal to the tenant side, too.  Please keep up the great work!

March 17, 2024
Community Member

Keep up the good work, Weiting!

March 17, 2024

Great info and content. Regards Vijay

March 16, 2024
Community Member

Just THANK YOU for doing what you do

March 16, 2024
Community Member

Been in the game since 1977 as a real estate broker, and property manager and since 2008 as a licenced paralegal.  About time you people came along.  Let me know if there's anything I can do.

March 16, 2024
Community Member

Fantastic newsletter!

March 16, 2024
Community Member

We appreciate all you've done and continue to do. As a small landlord the ability to easily search public record of judgments to aid the already difficult process of qualifying tenants is extremely helpful. Thanks SO much

March 16, 2024
Community Member

Great stats breakdown! Lets see those eviction numbers from the condos… should be scary!

March 16, 2024
Community Member

Doing a wonderful job!!

March 16, 2024
Community Member

Good progress.

March 16, 2024
Bought Us Coffee

Very informative News Letter, great job!    Rental Housing Providers have come a long way.  When do you think the government will change the name landlord to RHP?  I have written 26 letters to Mr. Ford over the last 3 years and starting using RHP after a few letters thanks to Chris Seepe's recommendation and explication.   I have finally received a detailed answer from the Minister of Housing from my last letter.  To me this is a sign that finally they are listening to us.  So all this work is worthwhile.When one looks up the origin of <landlord> then one realizes it is time to remove it from today's usage as RHP are so much different from what landlords were 10 years ago.  Well RHP would be another step going into the right direction just like your newsletter is another step in trying to change things for the best.  The LTB is broken and the lack of respect of many tenants towards RHP has never been higher.  I rent out apartments for a property manager and I cannot believe the comments I receive from entitled tenants as soon as I advertise a unit.  They are not just comments but attacks...almost threats....   I always try to beat them to the race and disallow comments but they seem to be just sitting there and waiting for the opportunity and therefore sometimes, win the race.  Mr. Doug Ford has really changed the attitude of tenants in this province and how bashing RHP has become a trend and, it seems, they're right!Well, enough, great work.  Looking forward to your next newsletter.  Richard

March 16, 2024
Community Member

You're doing more than I could ask. I appreciate your efforts, research and dedication.

March 16, 2024
Community Member

Love what you are doing for the rental industry... keep up the hard work!

March 16, 2024
Community Member

This was a great news letter!  Thank you

March 16, 2024
John Bartley

Well done! We ALL, and that's Landlords and Tenants, all need a resource such as this one. I wish I had been able to research in this fashion before I got stiffed for $25k in unpaid rent.

February 10, 2024
Bought Us Coffee

This is so awesome and screams community!!!

January 22, 2024
Bought Us Coffee

Thank you. Why didn't I think of this? lol

January 21, 2024
Bought Us Coffee
Lisa Butchart

A picture of Weiting Bollu

January 20, 2024
Dave Paddington

I appreciate your efforts to make the system just a little better every day.

January 20, 2024
Bought Us Coffee
Louise L

Thank you so much for doing what you do! This is so valuable.

January 20, 2024
Bought Us Coffee
Frustrated Landlords M & G

Thank you for all you do! :)

January 9, 2024
Bought Us Coffee
Plantagenet rentals

Thank you!!

January 3, 2024
Bought Us Coffee

We were delighted to see evidence that our Bad Tenants, which we had to do a ‘cash for keys’ settlement to remove them from our property last year due to lengthy LTB delays, have finally got an official eviction on their record from screwing over yet another landlord. Karma!

December 2, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

Keep doing what you are doing, it is immensely helpful.

November 14, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
September 21, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Lucy Steph

Thank you very much for creating Openroom.ca! Such a great resource!

September 19, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Anastasia Verdi

Thank you for what you are doing!

September 19, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Small Family Biz

Huge Thank you !!

August 11, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

i am trying first time, hopefully not be disappointed

July 15, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Debbie Gonin-Braun

Thanks for all your help

July 15, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

Recently I rented out my unit to a tenant with fake credit and eviction on her name and started the long eviction process with LTB. This would have been avoided if I used openroom as screening process. I hope you guys can continue develop this and make everybody's lives better

July 5, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
David Adams

Thank you

June 18, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

OpenRoom, let me tell you, you're doing an incredible job! Believe me. I know rentals. I am the best about rentals! Open Room is fighting the corrupt LTB, so corrupt! and FAKE NEWS! We need to make rentals great again, folks, we will make rentals great again.

June 14, 2023
Bought Us Coffee


June 12, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Steve O

Thank you for what you do. LTB is so broken for both tenants and landlords. We need to stick together to avoid bad tenants and landlords!

June 12, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

(Luckily) I have a great tenant but here’s a couple coffees for the work you do to help safe guard against LLs for the future.

May 28, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Krown Point Homes

Thank you for all you do

May 25, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Maja Petrovic

Thank you. Very good initiative.

May 14, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Tiz Russo

This is a phenomenal idea!

May 9, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Khaled Shaaban

Much needed advocacy for landlords. Way to go!

April 29, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

Excellent work...

April 29, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Vick Randhawa

Thanks for the initiative to help others.

April 27, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

Thanks for putting this up!

April 26, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Nathalie Vaillancourt


April 25, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

So happy you are doing this!

April 24, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Jihad Alsaman

Thanks for such unique service, I hope this database spread over the country to expose bad tenants.

April 24, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Stephen D

Great work! Need to be prepared for LTB or others who may want to bring it down.

April 23, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

Thanks for setting this up !

April 22, 2023
Bought Us Coffee
Jie Xiong


April 22, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

Good work!

April 20, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

Good work !

April 7, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

This is great! fair for both landlords and tenants.

April 6, 2023
Bought Us Coffee

Keep fighting the good fight!

April 3, 2023
Bought Us Coffee