2024 May: We stopped accepting application filings

Weiting Bollu
| Published at
September 15, 2024
| Updated on
July 23, 2024
Weiting Bollu
Published at
September 15, 2024
Updated on
July 23, 2024
Openroom has stopped accepting Application filings in Ontario, Canada


Latest Update from Openroom

As of Wednesday, May 22, 2024, we no longer accept Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) applications.

What are applications?

Applications are documentation which parties in a dispute would file with the LTB and await a hearing for. These are not the Tribunal Decisions that are issued once a hearing is held. These are pre-LTB hearing documents.

Notices Issued (never accepted)

Application Filings (Openroom no longer accepts)

Court Order (always accepted)

Openroom is doubling down on our efforts surrounding all tenancy related court orders from across the nation and all levels of our legal system, without the distraction of applications as it has not added fundamental value to our community to build towards a transparent and connected rental ecosystem future.

Why did we make this decision?

We want to be transparent and to share our decision making process with you. You are building Openroom with us and you need to know why we made this decision.

  • At the time of writing this, we have roughly 15,000 aggregated court orders inside the Openroom system. Applications resulted in less than 2% or ~300 of the submissions from our community. That's tiny!
  • We've been reading your feedback and you've expressed concerns about publicizing applications without a hearing. We hear you!

What will happen with applications in the database today? All previously submitted applications have been removed.As always, thank you for your continued support in building Openroom with us.

Court Order
Affordable Housing
Weiting Bollu
Co-Founder & CEO, Openroom

About the Author

Weiting's entrepreneurial journey began with a costly lesson in rental property management, where she experienced losses exceeding $35,000 due to non-paying tenants. Determined to prevent others from facing similar challenges, she built Openroom to pave a future towards a transparent and connected rental ecosystem.

Drawing from her extensive background in software product management spanning education, telecommunications, insurance, and artificial intelligence, Weiting has become a trusted advisor to founders of venture-backed companies. Beyond the tech sphere, Weiting managed properties for over a decade and made significant contributions to community leadership. She’s served on the Board of Rotary District 7070 and chaired various organizational committees.

Weiting balances her professional endeavours with being a parent of two kids under two. Alongside thousands of other parents, she was awarded participation trophies in innovative improvisation, ever-changing expectations management, daily roadmap planning, and hardcore patience!

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