How I Successfully Evicted My Tenant on Eviction Day

Weiting Bollu
| Published at
September 30, 2024
| Updated on
September 30, 2024
Weiting Bollu
Published at
September 30, 2024
Updated on
September 30, 2024
I successfully evicted my tenant with the help of a well-prepared team of family, friends, and professionals.


In Ontario, Canada, eviction day of vacant possession is only one day. However, there are still 72 hours after the eviction day where you have to give tenants time to come back onto the property to pick up left-over items. 

It can get taxing or expensive to take multiple days off of work. You may have to call a friend or family member to help out. Being prepared is a major source of confidence. It reminded me that I got this. And importantly, that I was not alone in getting my house back. 

Watch and read on.

When the Sheriff came to evict my tenants, my entire entourage of 20+ people showed up in black cars .Everybody wanted to make sure I got vacant possession of my house. Paralegal, locksmith, friends, Sheriff, junk removal, family, cleaners, internet installers. Neighbours were probably wondering what the hell was going on. Having been underprepared before, there is no such thing as being overprepared to get your house back.
-Weiting Bollu, Co-Founder, Openroom

Defining your entourage

I had a team of family and friends who were by my side on the day of eviction. Some stayed overnight at the house to ensure there was always someone at the property. Some were there during the day to ensure the process went smoothly.

Legal representative working on your case

Part of your entourage should ideally include professionals related to your case. The most salient in this situation would be your legal representative, either your lawyer or paralegal. They can provide concrete legal solutions to whatever situations arise on eviction day. They will know what to say and how to manage gray areas with tenants.

Hired services 

Other professionals include your locksmith, junk removal, electricians, etc. These are people who will help get the job done fast after you get your house back. It may feel like a lot to do this on the day of. 

If you want some background on how I hired specific services, read Why You Need a Locksmith on Eviction Day, A Landlord’s Guide to Managing Pet-Related Damage and How to Handle Junk Left Behind by Evicted Tenants. If you want a customizable eviction day template based on how I prepared for each step, I’ve documented everything into a Free "Getting Ready for Eviction Day Template” for you.

You might feel like delaying this and spreading it over a few days. Do what works best for you. For me, time was of the essence and I wanted it done ASAP. 

Family and friends

Eviction can be a tense, emotional, and chaotic day. At the time of my tenants’ eviction, I was heavily pregnant and still working. My family and friends supported us through the entire process. They slept over at the property, remained calm and professional, and provided any support we needed on that day. It made a huge difference. 


Preparing for eviction day with an entourage

Preparing for eviction day with my entourage required careful planning and clear communication. I made sure everyone understood their role and the legal implications of the process. Let's break down the key steps to prepare your entourage for this challenging day.

Sharing packing lists, property floor plan, and tenant’s situation with team

I made sure each member of my team was fully on board and aware of what they had to do and how they had to do it. I provided them with the information they needed to execute their role. 

Packing list

Throughout the 72 hour duration following my eviction, there was always a member of my team present on the property. I made sure that they have enough to eat, a place to sleep, and anything else they may need. Here is my own packing list that I prepared for the day. I also shared it with my team so they had an idea of what they would have to pack for themselves.


  • 3 Google Wifi extenders
  • 1 Nest doorbell camera
  • 3 Keyless entry locks
  • 1 NEST Thermostat
  • 2 Universal Garage Door Clickers
  • Extension cords
  • 10 WYZE indoor cameras


  • Collapsable table
  • Plastic stools
  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • Air mattresses
  • Sleeping bags

Snow Removal

  • Shovel
  • Salt


  • Screw drivers
  • Hammers
  • Ladder
  • Scissors
  • Duct tape
  • Clear tape
  • Scotch tape


  • Garbage bags
  • Gloves
  • Slippers
  • Paper towel
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Toilet Paper


  • Water bottles
  • Juice
  • Napkins
  • Plates
  • Cutlery

Floor plan

This is particularly helpful when/if you have friends/family helping you with certain things such as camera installations on eviction day. They will want to know where you are putting the cameras and which direction they should face it. 

Tenant’s situation

This set of information is to give your team a little heads up on what they might expect, how bad the situation is, or if there are any concerns you might have about the tenants. This way, your team has a heads up. 

  • Tenants could have not moved anything at all and can end up not coming to pick up anything.
  • Tenants could have not moved anything at all and not come back to pick up anything.
  • Tenants could have moved out already and do not come back to pick up anything.
  • Tenants could have moved out already, however, decide they want to come back within the 72 hour time period for some reason.
  • OTHER: Tenants cause an entire scene and be very disruptive for a scenario not foreseen.

Establishing roles and responsibilities for those present

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each person in your entourage. The paralegal and professionals had specific roles on eviction day itself. 

Designate specific tasks, such as documenting the process, accompanying, or serving as witnesses. Make it clear that their primary role is to provide moral support and not to engage directly with the tenants or their possessions. Read [72 hour] to understand how your team supports you for the three days following eviction day. 

Stress the importance of remaining calm and professional throughout the eviction process. Any actions they take could have legal repercussions, so it's wise and important to follow instructions and the guidance I set out in the very beginning.

Instructions to team of family and friends

These are instructions we shared with our team of helpers. You don’t have to do the exact same thing, but I hope it helps clarify the process for you.

  1. Do not let more than 2 people designated by the tenants into the premise at one time. The 2 people can be tenants and/or their designated movers. We will let you know who they are before they arrive. Anyone else is NOT allowed on into the house.

  2. Do not let tenants and/or the tenants’ designated people in without Photo ID that they are who they say they are. Do not let tenants or their designated people into the premises at any other time than the instructed time we / our paralegal shares with you.

  3. Do not let tenants pass the time allotted each day.

  4. Do not let anyone in without confirmation of who they are. This is to prevent tenants from bringing in people who will disturb the peace. When a contractor or another hired-services personnel arrives, please notify us.

  5. Do not let anyone in the house without a mask; proper PPE wear. This includes internet installer(s), security monitoring installer(s), furniture estimator(s), and locksmith. Prior to coming onto the property, they will be notified of this in advance. During COVID-19, we are not taking any risks.

  6. Do not engage in discussions or answer questions with the tenants about anything personal or about the eviction. I have multiple lawsuits against them and they should not be taken lightly. Instruct them to speak to our legal team. The response can be: “Please discuss with our legal representative.”

  7. Do not speak poorly about the tenants by any means, in any language, especially when they are on-premise and might bring a video camera or hearing devices.

  8. Do not let tenants intimidate you or others on the premise with “lawsuits”. They’ve threatened me with baseless claims many times in the past, all of which with empty action thereafter.

  9. Do not let tenants into a room once the room has been cleared. Close the room door. Tape it shut.

Concluding thoughts

In the end, successfully regaining possession of my house was not just about eviction day itself but about the preparation, support, and teamwork that made it happen. 

Having an entourage of family, friends, and professionals by my side was critical in ensuring everything went smoothly, from managing the legal aspects to securing the property and overseeing the post-eviction period. 

While the process can be exhausting, with the right people and planning, it’s absolutely manageable.You can do this too – just remember, preparation is everything.

Note from author

You can be part of Openroom’s vision to create a transparent rental ecosystem that empowers small landlords like you and I. 

Upload your court order to Openroom. Other landlords can search our free database when renting to a potential tenant. Your experience can prevent them from renting to the same people. 

If your tenants owe you money, It’s time to hold them accountable. Openroom’s Rental Debt Ledger will track interest owed to you, report your tenant to Equifax, and monitor transactions for you.


Affordable Housing
Court Order
Housing Crisis
Property Management
Weiting Bollu
Co-Founder & CEO, Openroom

About the Author

Weiting's entrepreneurial journey began with a costly lesson in rental property management, where she experienced losses exceeding $35,000 due to non-paying tenants. Determined to prevent others from facing similar challenges, she built Openroom to pave a future towards a transparent and connected rental ecosystem.

Drawing from her extensive background in software product management spanning education, telecommunications, insurance, and artificial intelligence, Weiting has become a trusted advisor to founders of venture-backed companies. Beyond the tech sphere, Weiting managed properties for over a decade and made significant contributions to community leadership. She’s served on the Board of Rotary District 7070 and chaired various organizational committees.

Weiting balances her professional endeavours with being a parent of two kids under two. Alongside thousands of other parents, she was awarded participation trophies in innovative improvisation, ever-changing expectations management, daily roadmap planning, and hardcore patience!

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